Diana Hite (left) and Carl Linden (right) present Grace Taylor, BHS ASB Treasurer and Troy Saunders, ASB President with a check for $2500.

      When asked why I am still interested in our high school reunions, there’s an easy answer. Because we learned how to build friendships as kids. As time went by, we learned how to nurture those early friendships. Later, we realize we had (and still have) the privilege to know some of the best people of our generation--that we can still call friends.   DeAnna

Presentation of the $2500 check to Bremerton High School student body president and treasurer in 2017. 

Bremerton High School's

New Display Case

Installed Summer of 2019


A Post card?

A letter...?

Let us know how you are, where you are living and (okay) tell us all about your grandchildren.

Eighty plus is too "young" to be bashful.

Your 1957 classmates are interested.

Please don't make us beg!

It's easy to share and we promise flattering photographs (if any). 


